Just be human for a while

credit: artsjournal.com

I often think how grateful I am that I married into a family of talented photographers. I never have to watch a recital, sporting event or birthday party through a camera lens. Yet, I have beautiful photography and/or a well-produced video to document every important event in the lives of my children.

The other night, my husband and I took our six-year-old daughter and her cousin to see the Lumineers in concert. A few songs into the evening, the immediately recognizable lyrics to “Ho Hey” filled the air. The change in energy was palpable. People who weren’t standing stood up. The sing-along volume rose dramatically. And hundreds of cell phones were raised in the air to record the moment.

Halfway through the wildly popular song, the music suddenly stopped and the lead singer said, “Everyone put down your cell phones and be human for a while. Just be in the moment with us.” It was awesome to watch people tuck their phones back in their pockets and totally get into the music. They were no longer worried about capturing the video so they could prove to all their friends on Facebook they were at the concert.

A simple Google search revealed what I assumed to be true. The Lumineers weren’t responding spontaneously to a greater concentration of cell phone concert recording in the Philadelphia area. They’ve done this at several shows in recent months. Even though it was staged, I still appreciate the spirit of the gesture. Not everything has to be captured and shared the moment it happens. Some experiences should be savored and kept to enjoy ourselves.

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