
Carton Donofrio Partners logo

In early 1995, I was planning to re-enter the workforce after staying home with my two daughters. I was nervous about leaving my little girls (then a 4-year-old and a 1-year-old) and, although I’d only been at home a few years, I was unsure if I still had what it took to get hired. But I needed to find work – my husband, who is in residential construction, had been struggling since his industry hit a low point in late 1994.

With my solid credentials and decade of experience in public relations, I pored over newspaper want ads (this was pre-online job searches) and submitted my résumé in response to a few opportunities that looked promising.

I was called in to interview at Richardson, Myers & Donofrio (RM&D), a marketing communications agency in Baltimore. I remember nervously sitting in the lobby, thinking of my daughters and doubting my professional self-worth. That day, I interviewed with several people and a few days later, I got the call that I was hired.

For the next eight years, I had the chance to accomplish work I’m proud of to this day. I saw people come and go, and was there when RM&D transitioned into Carton Donofrio Partners (CDP).

Yesterday, CDP announced it will cease operations after almost 50 years. When I heard the news, I reflected on the role I played in the agency’s history and all the experiences I had while working there. I interacted with amazing people and learned from some of the best in the business.

But the most enduring legacy for me is that I met Rosemary Ostmann, who left CDP and later started her own PR firm, Rose Communications. I consider Rosemary a PR mind par excellence who happens to be part best friend, part mentor and part sister to me (my daughters call her Aunt Ro). I value her judgment implicitly. We both share great memories of our time at RM&D/CDP, and I consider it a blessing that our paths crossed there.

To all my former RM&D/CDP colleagues and those I never met, I wish all of you the best. Despite all the ups and downs, it was a marvelous ride.

3 thoughts on “Farewell

  1. Nice story, Lisa. You and Rosemary have had great success together.
    I’ve been working part time since January for CDP and will be staying until everything is transitioned on my accounts..
    Hope all is good with you.


  2. So good to hear from you, Carolyn. Thank you for your kind words. I know you have been with CDP for quite a while. I hope we can stay in touch!


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